Thursday, March 14, 2013

10 Fun Science Lessons

These are 10 science lessons that can either be done at home or in the classroom.  Some of them give vocabulary for the students to use when they are experimenting.  They will need adult supervision, so make sure your child is safe.

1) Making Quicksand: Have you ever wondered how quicksand works?  In this lesson, students will be using maize cornflour and water to make quicksand and they will learn how to do it.  When they are mixed together, the students will see that it is a liquid by stirring slowly, lifting the spoon up, and letting it drip back down.  It can get messy so try to do it outside, if possible.

2) Camouflage Animals: Isn't it interesting that you can't see certain animals in their habitats?  In this lesson, students will be learning about why animals are colored the way they are, and why some blend in with their surroundings.  There are some fun activities to go along with this lesson as well, such as creating an animal to blend in with the classroom.

3) Fun With Bubbles: What makes a bubble?  Why can't we make bubbles with just plain water?  With this lesson, students will be learning about what it takes to make a bubble.  They will also be making a bubble on their own.  The main vocabulary in this lesson is surface tension.

4) Making a Rain Gauge: How can we find out how much rain we got?  To help students learn how meteorologists determine how much rain has fallen, you will be making a rain gauge.  The next time the rain comes and the students want to know how much we got, just check the rain gauge.

5) Gravity Free Water Experiment: If a cup is flipped upside down, is there a way the water will not fall out?  In this lesson, students will learn about air pressure and how it affects certain things, like water in a cup.

6) Styrofoam Experiment: What happens when styrofoam and nail polish remover are mixed.?  In this lesson, students will be turning styrofoam back into a polymer.  Students can also compare and contrast the original piece of styrofoam with the polymer.

7) Making Plastic: How are plastics made?  In this lesson, students (with the help and supervision of the teacher) will be making plastic.  For the younger students, it's best to do as a whole group with the teacher doing the experimentation; the students can record what they see happening.

8) Making Glue: What can we use around the house to make glue?  In this lesson, students will use milk and vinegar to make glue.  They will learn terms such as curds (solid) and whey (liquid).  Once the glue is made, students can test it out on crafts or anything else that needs glue.

9) Mixing Oil and Water: We know the age old saying "oil and water don't mix," but is there a way to mix them?  In this lesson, students will try to mix oil and water using dish detergent.  They will learn a new term, emulsion, and how it works.

10) Recycling: What does it mean to recycle?  Students will learn what can be recycled and how they can recycle.  They will also learn about reduce, reuse, and reinvent.  There are some activities to do as well.

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